There are two versions of the vocal score of this opera, sharing the same publication number. In preparing this recording I had access to both versions. Very few differences of any real significance apply to this role. In Act 1, 6th bar of figure 10, the rhythm in the old score on the words 'minutes for late-comers' is four sixteenths and two eighths; in the new, 16th, 8th, 16th, 8th, 16th, 16th. This recording uses the latter, which is a clear improvement.
In Act 2, from figure 16 for 11 bars, the old version gives sung notes, which I have played: the new version has the same notes as hints for Sprechgesang. 3 and 2 bars before figure 22 (p89 old version, p92 new), the old version gives pitched notes for 'You don't believe me', the new gives unpitched (hinted at pitches a third higher). I have left the old version pitched notes in because it is easier to substitute unpitched than the other way round. From fig. 23 to fig. 25 I have made no attempt to put in Baba's part but have played and sung in the rest to give an idea of what the words need to fit around.
Also in Act 2, note that from fig. 15 to five bars before 17 the timing of the voice part is not fixed, so what I have played should not be taken as in any sense definitive, rhythmically.